U.S. Army Ordnance Museum

Moderador: David L

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Registrado: Dom May 20, 2007 6:01 pm

U.S. Army Ordnance Museum

Mensaje por kriull » Dom Abr 13, 2008 2:37 pm

Acabo de volver de EEUU y he visitado varios museos de esos que nos gustan a nosotros.
Voy a empezar con el “U.S. Army Ordnance Museum”. Este museo abre todos los días de la semana, desde las 9:00 A.M. hasta las 4:45 P.M. Esta cerrado los días festivos nacionales excepto el Día de las Fuerzas Armadas, “Memorial Day”, Día de la Independencia y Día de los Veteranos. Para mas información se puede visitar la página del museo: http://www.ordmusfound.org
Esta situado a algo más de 100 kms de Washington y para llegar hasta él alquilé un coche en la estación de trenes de la ciudad. Es muy recomendable llevar navegador (en Avis se puede alquilar). La primera en la frente, un deportivo automático (casi salgo por el parabrisas al pisar el “embrague”). Tambien es fundamental elegir un dia que no llueva por que los carros están al aire libre sobre el césped y se tiene que formar mucho barro.
Bueno, al final llegamos al Aberdeen Proving Ground que es una base militar. Pasas un control en el que tienes que presentar la documentación del coche y el carnet de conducir (es recomendable sacarse el carnet internacional aunque también te piden el de tu país).
Te dan el pase y tienes que recorrer 2 ó 3 kms para llegar al museo. Afortunadamente nos perdimos dentro de la base y digo afortunadamente por esto

Tirado en la cuneta el Little David del que ya se ha hablado en el foro.

Finalmente dimos con el museo. Eramos los únicos visitantes y solo había otro vehículo (muy bonito por cierto) en el aparcamiento.

Que diferencia de tamaño

El “U.S. Army Ordnance Museum” tiene un recinto cerrado en el que puedes ver armas de todo tipo. Os pongo un enlace de una visita de Hernando Valencia Parias, al que agradezco su ayuda para preparar mi visita, donde detalla la historia del museo y su contenido.

Yo tuve más suerte y vi el Elephant. Impresionante pasear solos por el complejo.
Compre un Cd que te da acceso por Internet a información sobre la historia de los vehículos.
Le prometí a Kurt_Steiner que me interesaria por este carro y esta es la información que dan en la Web, siento que sea tan escasa. :oops: :oops:


This is a standard Panzer IV with 75mm/L43 gun but with longer side frames to accommodate an experimental hydraulic transmission. This tank, believed to be the only one of its kind, was never used in combat. It was discovered empaced as a pill box near the factory. It was recovered, shipped to Aberdeen for evaluation and ultimately donated to the museum.

Country Germany
Manufacturer Krupp
Year Manufactured Introduced 1941
Dimensions L= 19.6'; W= 9.4'; H= 8.6'; WT= 26 T
Main Gun KwK 40, 75mm/L48; rifled
Secondary Armament Two 7.9mm MG34
Engine (Probably) Maybach HL 120 TRM, 12-cylinder, 300 HP, gasoline
Speed Road 25 MPH, off road 10 HPH
Crew Five
Location at Museum Outside, Line B, Position 12

Bueno si alguien quiere conocer algún detalle más o alguna foto de algún modelo no tiene más que pedirla

Por cierto, ya me queda menos

Un saludo

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Mensaje por oriafontan » Dom Abr 13, 2008 9:11 pm

Es como si hubieramos estado contigo ahí en el museo. :wink:


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Registrado: Dom May 20, 2007 6:01 pm

Mensaje por kriull » Mié Abr 16, 2008 5:11 pm

Gracias Oriafontan, aunque voy bien acompañado (mi mujer empieza a conocer algunos modelos) me gustaria que algunos estuvieseis conmigo.

Voy a aprovechar para decir algo importante que se pasó y es que el museo es GRATIS.
De paso os pongo un par de fotos más.


Si os fijais está el Stg44 con cañon curvo del que se ha hablado en este foro compartiendo vitrina con nuestro Cetme.

"Igualico" que el de la bateria Todt

Un saludo para todos

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Mensaje por Wikinger » Mié Abr 16, 2008 5:24 pm

Solo puedo decir y seguro que en nombre de todos los participantes del foro...Que envidia!!

Gracias por compartirlo!! :wink:

“Un hombre de respeto debe ser reservado, reflexivo y valiente en la batalla; todos deben mantener el buen humor hasta que el fin les llegue”(Proverbio Vikingo)

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Mensaje por Akeno » Mié Abr 16, 2008 5:25 pm


Qué chulo Kriull.

Gracias por compartir las fotos con nosotros.


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von Neurath
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Mensaje por von Neurath » Jue Abr 17, 2008 2:56 am

Excelentes fotos amigo Kriull, me a gustado sobre todo la vitrina con las armas veo varias versiones del F.A.L , varios AK, FG,STG y HK, :wink:

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Registrado: Mar Abr 08, 2008 7:05 pm
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Mensaje por eduardo_e_s » Jue Abr 17, 2008 10:47 am

Ese museo es de los mas interesantes. Estuve a punto de acercarme hace dos años cuando estuve en USA, pero finalmente no pude, !que pena!


Mensajes: 111
Registrado: Dom May 20, 2007 6:01 pm

Mensaje por kriull » Vie Abr 18, 2008 7:33 pm

Gracias a todos,
Excelentes fotos amigo Kriull, me a gustado sobre todo la vitrina con las armas veo varias versiones del F.A.L , varios AK, FG,STG y HK,
Pongo unas más




Teneis una información excelente enel enlace de Hernando Valencia so bre la armas expuestas.
Gracias y saludos a todos

Mensajes: 111
Registrado: Dom May 20, 2007 6:01 pm

Mensaje por kriull » Sab Abr 26, 2008 6:22 pm

Hola, para acabar la lista de vehículos expuestos (no está actualizada) extraida de

US Army Ordnance Museum 173

2S1 SOV out Position I8
BTR-60PB SOV out Position C7
Chieftain Mk 1 GBR/DE out Position B15 174
Churchill Mk II GBR out Position A25 175
GPF 194 FRA out Only surviving example; Position C1 176
GW Lorraine Schlepper(f) FRA out Position C5; Captured at El Alemein 177
Heuschrecke IVb Grasshopper DEU out Only surv. prototype; Position C10 178
JgPz 38(t) Hetzer DEU out Position C23 179
JgPz IV/70 DEU out Position C24
JS-3M SOV/EGY/ISR out SN 11306; Position B13 180
KV-1C SOV std Position A19; Reverse Lend-Lease 181
LT-35 S-IIA / PzKpfw 35(t) CSK/DEU std Position I6 182
M1 Grizzly prototype USA out Prototype G001 (SN 1?); Position A18
M3 Bradley USA out In front of the Museum
M3 Grant Mk I USA/GBR out SN 1054, RN 305124 183; Position A24
M4A3E8 Sherman Easy Eight USA std SN 60038; Railhead 9/2005 184
M16 GMC USA out No guns; Position H8
M20 USA out Position H9
M48A2C Patton USA out Position B5
M.13/40 ITA out Position A21
Mk A Whippet GBR out Position A15; Arrived at APG 1917 185

173 A number of vehicles previously or currently part of the Ordnance Museum collection are now overseas in other museums, including: FlakPz IV Wirbelwind (Lehrsammlung der Heeresflugabwehrschule, Rendsburg, Germany); GW PzKpfw II Wespe (Kevin Wheatcroft collection, UK); PzJg II Marder II (Kevin Wheatcroft collection, UK); PzJg Raupenschlepper Ost (WTS Museum, Koblenz, Germany); PzKpfw II Ausf F (Kevin Wheatcroft collection, UK); PzKpfw III(Fl) Flammpanzer (WTS Museum, Koblenz, Germany); PzBefWg IV (Royal Army and Military History Museum, Brussels, Belgium); PzKpfw VI Tiger (under restoration in the Kevin Wheatcroft collection, UK); StuG 40 Ausf F/8 (Royal Army and Military History Museum, Brussels, Belgium); StuPz VI SturmTiger (WTS Museum, Koblenz, Germany), and PzH 18/1 Hummel (WTS Museum, Koblenz, Germany) - most info from André Flener (AFV News Discussion Board, 2/05) and Will Phelps (AFV News Discussion Board, 11/06). Additionally, the museum's former Schneider CA1 and St Chamond were given to the Saumur tank museum in 1987. The museum's former PzKpfw VI King Tiger was given to the Fort Knox Patton Museum in exchange for MBT-70 Pilot No. 3. Unfortunately, a number of other vehicles were scrapped during WWII or the "1952-1953 Salvage Catastrophe."
174 Gift of the German BWB, along with the Leopard 1 prototype. Formerly located at Cologne, Germany.
175 "Shipped to U.S. for tests at Yuma, and then to APG for retention by museum. Gift of British Ministry of Supply in Washington,
1944," according to Tank Data (Old Greenwhich, Conn.: WE, Inc: c1969), 17, as well as the Ordnance Museum Guide CD.
176 "Captured at a German vehicle depot and was transported to APG in 1946," according to the Ordnance Museum Guide CD. A variant with a 280mm mortar on the same chassis was recently uncovered in Hanover, Germany and is now in the hands of the Dresden Military History Museum.
177 Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 73.
178 "Found at a German Army Proving Ground at Hillerslieben from where it was transported to Aberdeen" (Ordnance Museum Guide
CD). See also Achtung Panzer!
179 "Captured new at the Pilsen factory and shipped to APG" (Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 93).
180 Sold to the Egyptians about 1960 and captured by the Israelis during the 1967 Six-Day War. The Israelis removed the engine from the damaged vehicle and made some modifications prior to installing it as a fixed
emplacement on the Bar Lev Line. A T-54 engine deck was installed and other repairs were made, like installation of a dummy rear left sprocket, before it was given to the US as a gift (Ordnance Museum Guide CD).
181 Ordnance Museum Guide CD.
182 Recovered from the Hillerslieben Proving Ground in 1945 (Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 21).
183 Grant turret on a US M3 hull. SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004)
184 Joe DeMarco (G104, 8/2003)
185 One of five surviving examples in the world.

MK IIA Medium GBR out Position A6 186
Mk IV Female GBR out Position A4; One of six surv. examples
Matilda Mk II GBR out Position A16; Captured at El Alamein187
PzJg 38(t) Marder III Pak 36(r) DEU out Position C12; Captured at El Alamein188
PzJg 38(t) Marder III Ausf M DEU out Position C17; Recovered from Tunisa189
PzJg Nashorn / Hornisse DEU out Position C16
PzJg V Jagdpanther DEU out Position C25
PzJg VI Jagdtiger Ausf B DEU out Gun jammed in recoil; Position C26 190
PzKpfw I Ausf B DEU out Position A8; Recovered from Libya 191
PzKpfw III Ausf L DEU out Position B1; Recovered from Tunisia 192
PzKpfw III Ausf N DEU out 37mm gun 193; Position A17
PzKpfw IV Ausf FG DEU out Hydrostatic drive prot.; Position B12 194
PzKpfw IV Ausf G DEU out Position B2; Recovered from Tunisia 195
PzKpfw V Panther Ausf A DEU out Position B6; Recovered from Italy 196
PzKpfw V Panther Ausf G DEU out Position B7 197
PT-76B SOV out Position B14
Renault R-35 Model ZM FRA ind Inside the Museum
Semovente da 47/32 su L6/40 ITA std? Captured at Tobruk 198
Semovente da 75/18 su M.41 ITA out Position C14; Captured at Tobruk 199
Semovente da 149/40 su M.14 ITA out Position C4; Recovered from Tunisia 200
sIG 33/1 Grille DEU out Position C6; Recovered from Italy 201
Skeleton Tank USA out Outside the Museum
Somua S 35 FRA std Position A12 202
StPz IV Brummbar DEU out Position C9
StuG III DEU out Position C18; Recovered from Italy 203
StuH 42 (Early model) DEU out Missing muzzle brake; Position C19 204
StuH 42 (Late model) DEU out Position C27; Recovered from France205

186 "Captured by the Germans and used until lost in the North African campaign, then shipped to the U.S. via reverse lend-lease scrap shipments in 1943 and diverted for the Ordnance Museum from Brooklyn, N.Y." (Ordnance Museum Guide CD, as well as Tank Data, 5).
187 "Lost to the Germans in a battle at Sidi Rezag-Halfaya Pass in November 1941, re-marked by the Germans and used as a pill box at the same pass until recaptured by the British after the battle of El Alemein in October 1942. Sent to the US as part of reverse Lend- Lease scrap shipments in 1943 and diverted from Brooklyn, N.Y. to the museum in 1944" (Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 9).
188 Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 67
189 Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 69.
190 Number 331, chassis number 305020. One of three surviving JagdTigers. The JagdTiger's front hull has damage from six hits by
75mm or 76mm rounds (none of which penetrated). However, one round severely damaged the mantlet while the gun was in full recoil, causing the gun to be jammed in that position. According to Geoff Walden, "End of the War for s.Pz.Jg.Abt. 653," Third Reich
in Ruins, this JagdTiger belonged to 3rd Company, PanzerJager Abteilung 653 and was lost in Neustadt an der Weinstrasse in March
1945, based in part on information from Karlheinz Muench, Combat history of s.Pz.Jg.Abt.653 (J.J.Federowicz, 1997) . However, the article "The Mighty Beast: JagdTiger" from Museum Ordnance (Darlington, MD: Darlington Productions), January 1994, claims
the vehicle was captured from 1st Company (Ernst), PanzerJager Abteilung 512.
191 Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 37.
192 Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 41.
193 Museum Director G.B. Jarrett mounted a 37mm gun on this PzKpfw III for display purposes. According to Thomas Jentz, Jarrett took a 7.5 cm KwK L/43 for display out of a rebuilt PzKpfw IV Ausf D (presumably the D/E/F model) that came out of Sicily and replaced it with the 7.5 cm KwK L/24 out of the PzKpfw III Ausf N. The tank originally came from Tunisia.
194 PzKpfw IV Ausf FG mit hydrostatischen Antrieb, only one built. "It was discovered em placed as a pill box near the factory,"
according to the Ordnance Museum Guide CD, as well as Tank Data, 55. See also Achtung Panzer!
195 Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 50. Has hull number 83534 (Will Phelps, AFV News Discussion Board, 11/06).
196 Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 59.
197 Recovered from either France or Italy - conflicting information in Tank Data, 61and the Ordnance Museum Guide CD respectively.
198 "Used at El Alemein, and moved westward to near Tobruk, where captured. Sent to APG 1943" (Tank Data, 119 and the Ordnance
Museum Guide CD).
199 "Used during the Battle of El Alemein and then moved westward to Tobruk where it was subsequently captured. Shipped to
Aberdeen from Egypt 1943," Tank Data, 121.
200 Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 125.
201 Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 111.
202 Recovered from the Hillerslieben Proving Ground (Ordnance Museum Guide CD).
203 Tank Data, 77
204 Also features "additional appliqué armor." Recovered from ETO (Ordnance Museum Guide CD, as well as Tank Data, 79).
205 Ordnance Museum Guide CD.

SU-76M SOV out Position C21; Captured in Korea 206
SU-100 SOV out Position C28
T59 APC USA out Position H4
T92 Light Tank USA out SN 3?; Position I? 207
T-34/76B Model 1941 SOV out Position A20 208
T-34/85 Model 1945 SOV out Position B9
T-34/85 Model 1945 SOV out Position B10; Sectionalized
T-54 SOV out Position C8
Type 1 (Type 97) Ho-Ni JPN out Position C2 209
Type 89B Chi-Ro (Model 94) JPN out Position A7
Type 95 Ha-Go JPN out Position A10 210
Type 97 Shinhoto Chi-Ha JPN out Position A26; Captured on Iwo Jima 211
Type 653 SOV/IRQ out Position I4
XM1 Abrams USA out "Thunderbolt," LRIP L1? 212

Maryland Blvd - the New Mile of Tanks
BMP-2 SOV out BRDM-2 SOV out JgPz Kanone DEU out
Leopard 1 Type IIA Prototype DEU out SN 10586/T36
M2 Medium with M2A1 turret USA out SN 2, RN 30445213; "Glamorous Gladis" M3A1 Stuart Mk IV 'Honey' USA out M3A1 Pilot; SN 3571, RN 306923 214
M4A4 Sherman USA out Exper. HVSS suspension; SN 19617 215
M7 Priest HMC USA out SN 3167, RN 4040083 216
M10 GMC USA/ITA std SN 6196, RN 4011031 217
M24 Chaffee USA out "Skeeter" M32A1B3 USA out
M40 GMC USA out "Big Shot" M42 Duster USA out
M55 USA out "Tiny Tim"
MBT-70 Pilot No. 3 USA out SN 3, RN 09A00367; ex-Patton Mus.218
PzKpfw IV Ausf D/E/F DEU out 219
T64E1 "Gorilla" HMC USA out M41 pilot, SN 2

206 Ordnance Museum Guide CD.
207 "Records indicate that only these two models were ever constructed but here we have a mystery - the museum's tank is 'number 3'"
(Ordnance Museum Guide CD).
208 "In use by German forces at the time of recovery" ( Ordnance Museum Guide CD).
209 Captured either on Luzon, Philippines or Okinawa, according to conflicting sources. According to Andrei M. Tomczyk, Japanese Armor, Volume 5 (Gdansk, Poland: AJ Press, 2006), p 4 (and supported by Preserved Japanese Tanks, p 27), the Ho-Ni served with the "2nd Company, 2nd Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment, and captured by the American 37th Infantry Division near Aritao (Luzon, Philippines) on April 6, 1945." However, Ordnance Museum records and the Ordnance Museum Guide CD claim it was captured on Okinawa from the 27th Tank Regiment.
210 "The museum specimen was captured on Attu, Alaska and, in 1943, was the first Japanese tank to be brought to Aberdeen"
(Ordnance Museum Guide CD and Tank Data, 127).
211 "Captured on Iwo Jima during the War and has a distinctive shrapnel hole in the left front fender, as well as fittings to carry a dozer blade. The dozer fittings can be seen on the turret to the left of the gun, on the front hull below and to either side of the towing shackle mount, and between the first and second road wheels each side," Preserved Japanese Tanks, 24.
212 In front of the museum.
213 SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004). One of the two original M2 medium tanks built, and one of two surviving M2-series medium tanks.
214 SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G103, 2/2003)
215 Has RN 3019223 (Joe DeMarco, G104, 8/2005)
216 SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104, 4/2004)
217 "Used by US forces in Europe between 1944 and 1945. After the war, it was turned over to the Italian Army and used for several years... The 3-inch gun on this, and other Italian M10s, were shortened by the Italian authorities and a counterweight collar was added to restore balance." Donated to the Ordnance Museum in 1967 (Ordnance Museum Guide CD). SN/RN from Joe DeMarco (G104,
218 Acquired from the Fort Knox Patton Museum in 1971, in exchange for the King Tiger. Painted RN is from a picture of Pilot No. 5.
219 Likely has the 7.5 cm KwK L/24 from the PzKpfw III Ausf N.

Museum Restoration Facility
M2A2E3 USA std SN 248, RN 30368 220; Inside? M4A2 Sherman "Firefly" USA std M4A2 w/ Firefly turret 221; Behind Mk VIB GBR std Behind 222
T249 Vigilante USA std Only one built/prototype; Front

Museum Storage lots
LVT4 USA std
LVT7 hull USA std Missing tracks
M3 Scout Car USA std
M3A5 Lee USA std SN 1355, RN 305425 223
M4A1(75) Sherman Calliope USA std SN 7320, RN 3058832 224
M4A2E8 DD Sherman USA std
M4A3E8 Sherman Easy Eight USA std SN 61438, RN 30114460 225

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Audie Murphy
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Registrado: Dom Oct 09, 2005 7:38 am


Mensaje por Audie Murphy » Mié Jun 19, 2013 12:15 am

kriull escribió:GW PzKpfw II Wespe (Kevin Wheatcroft collection, UK); PzJg II Marder II (Kevin Wheatcroft collection, UK)
Menudo inventario que tiene la Wheatcroft collection, lástima que no admita visitas de público. Tienen cerca de 200 items en Leicestershire y es la 2ª colección privada más grande del mundo.
http://www.militarymodelling.com/news/a ... tion/3041/

muy interesante que tengan un Sherman Calliope, esta foto es de la 14th Armored Division en Francia 1944
"El mal existe cuando las personas buenas no hacen lo que es correcto"


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